Hello! I have recently moved to from the …
We acquired a Thermo Q-Exactive HF mass spectrometry, …
For this year's BCVS in Portland, I co-chaired …
We previously published a data science method PubPular …
We are excited to receive a generous 5-year …
Check out some recent publications from our team …
Why identify protein isoforms?Alternative splicing plays a very …
Today we are ecstatic to receive the Notice …
Oct. 6, 2022, 10:22 p.m.
Highlighted in Dean's weekly message of CU School of Medicine:
We are very excited to receive a four-year NIH NIGMS R01 for our proposed project "Post-transcriptional regulations of proteomes in stress and senescence".
Post-transcriptional mechanisms play a fundamental role in regulating gene expression at the protein level, and are frequently implicated in stress response, aging, and diseases. The goal of this project is to develop and apply multi-omics methods to examine the post-transcriptional mechanisms that regulate protein composition of multiple tissues and their ability to respond to proteostatic stressors.
With the funding support, we will examine the relationships between post-transcriptional regulation and stress response, and at the same time generate data sets including isoform-resolved, spatiotemporal atlases of the normal, stressed, and aged/senescent proteomes. We anticipate the results will lead to novel insights into basic cellular processes of stress response and resilience that will be relevant to studies of multiple systems.